In the world of youth sports, few figures shine as brightly as Coach Michael Buabeng. A dedicated primary junior school teacher by day, Coach Michael is transforming the lives of young soccer players beyond the classroom, fostering not only athletic skills but also...
This weekend, the undefeated U10 Heavens Eleven Warriors will travel to Toronto to take on Toronto High Park in an eagerly anticipated matchup. Head Coach Michael Buabeng has meticulously prepared his team, instilling a strong sense of discipline and focus among the...
Are you a young soccer enthusiast residing in Brampton, eagerly seeking an opportunity to showcase your talent on the field? Look no further! The esteemed Heavens Eleven Warriors are on the lookout for skilled and passionate under 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and under 10 boys to...
Are you a resident of Brampton in search of a competitive team for your son? Look no further, as Heavens Eleven FC stands out as the premier competitive team in Brampton. Our coaching staff is dedicated to pushing players to achieve their utmost potential, fostering...
Heavens Eleven FC is excited to announce the launch of our winter training program for children aged 5 to 6, commencing in January! This unique program is designed to foster technical soccer skills while integrating essential math and language concepts, providing a...
The Under 8 Heavens Eleven Warriors, currently undefeated and under the guidance of Coach Michael Buabeng, are set to compete against Jarvis this Sunday. This match marks a significant milestone as it will be the first encounter between these two teams. Fans and...